online comics

Alby Figgs down with the Geezers in ‘Memory Lane’

The latest Alby Figgs episode sees Alby take a stroll down ‘Memory Lane’. Yeah, I know, hard to believe, but true! Follow the footsteps of Geezer Gus, Dolly DD and Ted Turncoat the Teddy Boy Tailor, right here

And in case you missed last weeks thrill engorged instalment, ‘Milk Bar’, here’s a handy link to that particular dairy flavoured gem

Alby Figgs in ‘The Library of the Subconscious’

Yes, he’s a big fan of the local library! The Library of the Subconscious, of course. This week’s Alby episode, ol’ Figgsy manages to get Bob the Builder and French philosopher, Jean Baudrillard in the same sentence. Has this ever been done in comics form before? And if not, why not?!

Check it out at the check out, here

Alby Figgs in WWW and The Great Unwashed in existence!


This weeks Alby episode, WWW, available here reveals all and more on one Albert Figgs’ contribution to the global communications revolution . Now the truth can be told…

Also, here’s a link, pingback, what have you, to an article at Robot 6 and the Comic Book Resources site on the previously mentioned existence of our new graphic novel, The Great Unwashed, years in the making, a couple of hours in the reading, but oh, what hours, dear readers.

Alby Figgs in Moby

Alby Figgs lost for words?!? Shirley knot? You’ll be enlightened (or will you?) by checking out the latest episode here at the Alby site and if you missed yesterday’s delayed posting of last Friday’s episode, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Whatsit… you can catch up here @

Nuff said?