That’s Novel @ The London Print Studio


Two posts in one day must be a record and an added treat to my legions of followers, both of you.

If having two exhibitions wasn’t enough for my ego this year, along comes “That’s Novel”, as part of this years collaboration between The Comica Festival and The London Print Studio. Me and brother Gary are exhibiting our old Velocity strip, Pig Custard, soon to be featured in our new (but old) anthology, The Great Unwashed from Escape Books, alongside a great line-up of British and international comic types.

The show starts tomorrow, October 22nd (opening party tonight from 6 p.m.) and runs until December 19th at The London Print Studio in Westbourne Park. Details and info here.

Life Sucks 2.0

Square Fish Books, an imprint of Macmillan, have just released a new version of Life Sucks with extra pages, chapter breaks and for only $8.99 (not sure what that is in pounds yet, but it’s a bargain!). They’ve also done a brilliant job, so if anyone out there is yet to be convinced to pick up a copy, wait no more. You can find out more here or buy it online at Amazon of course.