I’ve had to keep a low profile on this project for a while, but now it can be told! I’ve been drawing the interior illustrations for best selling author, Darren Shan’s new series of gorily gruesome books for teens, Zom B, the first of which comes out this week, Thursday the 27th!
There’ll be a total of 12 books eventually, coming out every three months or so and I’ve been commissioned to draw the whole series. It’s kind of like a dream commission for me; I get to draw zombie kids eating their teachers and make it as dark as I possibly can. They’re a cracking read too, so for all you zom heads out there that haven’t had the pleasure of Darren’s work yet, or for all those countless Shansters who’ve just happened to stumble across lil’ ol’ me’s blog thing, check out this link to the latest news on book launches and where to get your copy of the first book via the website of Mr. Master of Horror himself.
A big thank you to Darren, of course and to Nick at Simon and Shuster for getting me on board and extra special thanks to Hannah Abbo and everyone at Advocate, my illustration agents for linking us all up!