New Comics

Montague Terrace out today! Signing at Dave’s Comics! New website! Exclamation Marks!!!

‘Completely demented … Montague Terrace functions both as a time machine and as a repository of dreams/nightmares’, The Observer/ The Guardian


Montague Terrace is the new graphic novel from British comics herberts, Warren and Gary Pleece, published by Jonathan Cape on the 4th April 2013, today! Recently highlighted as graphic novel of the month by The Observer, you can now order the book online via Jonathan Cape or through Amazon, or even better buy it personally through one of the many excellent comic shops and book shops throughout the nation. Today, April 4th, we’ll be signing and scrawling on copies at Dave’s Comics, Brighton from 6-8 p.m. and then at the Forbidden Planet Megastore, Shaftesbury Avenue, London on Friday the 12th of April, 6-7 p.m. You can also get signed copies from Gosh in London from the 12th onwards.

On top of all this, we’ve launched a new website dedicated to all things Montague Terrace. There’s more info about the book and in the weeks to come we’ll be posting up behind the scenes artwork and new exclusive one-offs!

Pleece Brothers signing Montague Terrace 4th April at Dave’s Comics, Brighton


To coincide with the publication day of our new graphic novel, Montague Terrace, me and brother Gary will be signing and launching off, Viking-stylee, at the brilliant Dave’s Comics, 5 Sydney St, Brighton BN1 4EN on Thursday the 4th of April from 6-8pm.

Come one and all and delve through the lace curtained cover to discover a world of magic bunnies, nervous magicians, third-rate 60s pop-crooners, Special Ops OAPS and much, much more. What’s more (I told you there was more), each copy bought on the night will be specially defaced by a special limited edition of one doodle-scrawl!

Expect the usual enlightened (?) back-chat from the Pleece’s, original artwork on display, cosy-toed ambience and an endless supply of Ki-ora or other similarly refreshing refreshmentation.

Dandridge, The Copper Conspiracy for 2000AD

Dandridge by Alec Worley and Warren Pleece © Rebellion A/S

Part 1 of the brand new ‘spook-punk’ series, Dandridge, The Copper Conspiracy, written by Alec Worley and drawn and coloured in by moi for 2000AD is out this week in all good newsagents, comic shops and intergalactic petrol stations!

For more info on this new 8 part weekly series and more Dandridge facts, figures and grooming procedures, check out Alec’s blog.

Great Unwashed signing at Gosh Comics

I’ll be signing copies of the exclusive, elusive, infusive (?) new (ish) Pleece Brothers graphic novel, The Great Unwashed, published by Escape Books this Saturday the 8th of December at Gosh Comics, 1 Berwick St, London W1F 0DR, from 5-6 pm.

Also, those crazy fools at Gosh have given me permission to scribble all over their windows in celebration of this momentous event.

Come early to take advantage of the best signature doodles!


Alby Figgs down the Arcadia

This week, everybody’s favourite septuagenarian street sage (?), Alby Figgs, gets down with the kids in the arcade for a run-through of recent and not so recent tele-visual broadcasting history.
Tune in here
And if you missed last week’s palm-fringed outing, check out Alby in shades in Canned Heat, still showing here

Alby Figgs in Day of the Dead

This week’s Alby Figgs episode sees Alby in ‘Day of the Dead’. Will there be zombies, skeletal automatons emerging from the graveyard, ghoulish apparitions scaring 50 shades of shite out of us? Or, just a man with a handy hankie to hand? It doesn’t get much more rock ‘n’ roll than this! No, honest, it doesn’t!

Alby Figgs down with the Geezers in ‘Memory Lane’

The latest Alby Figgs episode sees Alby take a stroll down ‘Memory Lane’. Yeah, I know, hard to believe, but true! Follow the footsteps of Geezer Gus, Dolly DD and Ted Turncoat the Teddy Boy Tailor, right here

And in case you missed last weeks thrill engorged instalment, ‘Milk Bar’, here’s a handy link to that particular dairy flavoured gem