New Comics

Alby Figgs in Cliff and The Shads

This week over at the Alby Figgs site, Alby put’s to rest the oft questioned origin of one of pop cultures eternal mysteries, namely The Shadows ‘funny walk’.

Who’d have thought it, eh? But wait! Who’s that bronzed, shaded stranger in the Bentley? Find out more (?) @

Alby Figgs

It’s the latest publishing sensation to sweep the nation; a septuagenarian with a talent for tall tales and constant banter. No doubt, some Hollywood studio will latch on within weeks to the adventures of one Alby Figgs, but right now, you can say you were there first at the birth of a comic legend. Either that, or just pass a minute of your time reading his latest conversational run-ins every Friday tea-time on the train home at

The Great Unwashed @ Helsinki Comics Festival

Apologies to the ‘fan’ for not posting for bloody ages, but that was mostly down to a very busy period of trying to finish the forthcoming Montague Terrace book for Jonathan Cape, out next year, and contributing to the new Pleece Brothers anthology, The Great Unwashed, coming out very soon from Paul Gravett and Peter Stanbury’s Escape Books.

As a precursor to that, I’ve been invited to the Helsinki Comics Festival this weekend, 16-18th September where I’ll be doing some signings and giving a talk entitled ‘Self-Publish and be Damned, or How not to make it in Comics’, covering the early Velocity years, so, hopefully not too po-faced, through to the latest web publishing ventures.

Tons more stuff to come soon, so watch this space.

You know who you are. Do I?!