
Incognegro: A Graphic Mystery new edition

Out today through the new Dark Horse Comics Berger Books imprint, the tenth anniversary reprint of Incognegro: A Graphic Mystery, written by the excellent Mat Johnson with art by me.

Here’s a link to the new Incognegro trailer

Really pleased that this book has finally got back into print and really pleased to be have been able to enhance the original artwork for the new edition. On top of that, I’m working again with the great Karen Berger as senior editor of Berger Books and Richard Bruning on design duties for the first time since working at Vertigo. The book is

Tomorrow also sees the release of the new 5 part prequel series, Incognegro: Renaissance once again written by Mat and drawn by me, timed to coincide with the original reprint. More on that tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s some sample stages of the new cover to Graphic Mystery.


Graphic Brighton-Drawing in the Margins


I’ll be talking at tomorrows Graphic Brighton-Drawing in the Margins conference at the Sallis Benney Hall in the University of Brighton, Grand Parade, Brighton from 11.20am, mostly about Incognegro, but probably also running through my career celebrating the outsider in comics. I’ll also be sharing the stage with cartoonist Patrice Aggs talking about her work and Alex Fitch from Resonance FM.


Details of the two day event are here and there’s a whole host of comicy talent and interesting talks to boot.

See you there?!

Łódź Comics Festival


I was lucky enough to be invited, the weekend before last, along with a host of other Brit and international comics talent, to the Łódź (pronounced Woodge!) Comics Festival in Poland. Many thanks to the organisers Adam, Aneta and Dominika, as well as the many wonderful translators and guides, including Tym, Sandra, Bartek (and all the others whose names my vodka addled brain can’t remember just now) who made the trip extra special. Here’s some photos…

It was also nice to be included alongside such a sterling crew of comics talent, from Glenn Fabry, Simon Bisley, Melinda Gebbie, John McCrea, Cameron Stewart (who inked Deadenders all those years ago), Dave Mckean, amongst others, and comics sage overlord, Paul Gravett.

And final thanks to the many fans (yes, you heard right!) who got me to sign and scribble in their copies of the Polish translation of Incognegro and numerous Vertigo titles.

The highlight of the weekend, though, still has to be John McCrea’s Bez impersonation on the drawing contest stage. If you want to know what Comic artists are best at, check the link






















As from today in the US, Incognegro is now available in paperback at all good bookshops, comic stores and online at Amazon and on sale in the UK from the 26th of June at Amazon UK. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, here’s a snippet of what the press has had to say so far

“Smart and fast-paced.”

“Well worth the price of admission.”

“Don’t miss it!”
—Cornell West

“A flawlessly paced, rich, dense thriller…a chilling social document and a layered, effortlessly entertaining mediation on identity and self-fashioning.”


“Engrossing… Proudly exemplifies the graphic novel.”


“Fuses bluesy, gutbucket noir with postmodern notions about the pliability of personal identity.”


and a link to the DC Vertigo page.